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Advancing Welfare
GEAT Inc. is working to advance the wellbeing of the Warnindilyakwa by Advancing Welfare
GEAT, Groote, Eylandt, Aboriginal, Trust, Angurugu, Umbakumba, Milyakburra, Charitable, Purpose, programs, members, advancing, health, education, social, welfare, religion, culture, Sealink, Anindilyakwa, Services, GEBIE, Healthy, Home, Packs, Market Garden, Community, Bus, Ferry, Duffy, Bickerton
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Charitable Purposes

Advancing Welfare



GEAT proudly funds GEBIE Next Gen, a youth engagement and capacity building program delivered by Groote Eylandt Bickerton Island Enterprises.

Improving the lives of Warnindilyakwa youth is a key necessity to advancing social and public welfare.
Community Market Garden


The Market Garden at Angurugu was first started by the missionaries in the early sixties. GEAT has continues to operate the garden and provides fresh produce to all communities.

Duffy landing, GEAT


GEAT has engaged SeaLink to operate ferry and bus services. The ferry service runs between Groote Eylandt and Bickerton Island on week days and also travels to Numbulwar weekly during the wet season.

A bus service on Groote provides residents with access to shopping, banking, health and other important services. The bus also operates on funeral days or for community events.

GEAT has funded this essential service since 2016.

GEAT acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website may contain images, videos, voices or names of people who have passed away.