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Charitable Purposes
GEAT Inc. is working to advance the wellbeing of the Warnindilyakwa people through charitable grants made by the Groote Eylandt Aboriginal Trust.
GEAT, Groote, Eylandt, Aboriginal, Trust, Capability, Statment, Missionaries, mining, royalties, 1969, Deed, Constitution, Angurugu, Charitable, Purpose, Constitution, tax, exemption, programs, compliance, Committees, reference, groups, members, advancing, health, education, social, welfare, religion, culture, law
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Advancing the people

Charitable Purposes

“Advancing the wellbeing of the Warnindilyakwa people”


GEAT Inc. is working to advance the wellbeing of the Warnindilyakwa people through charitable grants made by the Groote Eylandt Aboriginal Trust.

Groote Eylandt Aboriginal Trust is a charitable trust that holds funds which can be made available for charitable purposes only.

GEAT Inc. as the trustee of the Groote Eylandt Aboriginal Trust makes decisions about which charitable purposes will receive Groote Eylandt Aboriginal Trust funds.


The Common Law – for centuries the Common Law has, through judicial decision, refined the definition of “chartable purpose”. Recent examples of judicial decisions include NT Supreme Court cases Flynn & Ors V Mamarika and Ors [1996] and Groote Eylandt Aboriginal Trust Inc V Deloitte Tohmatsu & Ors [2017].


Charities Act 2013 (Cth) – The Charities Act sets out for the first time in Australia a single statutory definition of a charity and a charitable trust and expands upon the common law test of “charitable purpose” including those charitable purposes identified and supported in decision making by GEAT Inc. namely:

  1. Advancing Health
  2. Advancing Education
  3. Advancing Social or Public Welfare
  4. Advancing Religion
  5. Advancing Culture

A snapshot of grants made by GEAT during 2023/24 for its five charitable purposes can be seen below.

Charitable Purposes, GEAT

*Data relates to the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024

Charitable Purpose Process, GEAT

GEAT acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website may contain images, videos, voices or names of people who have passed away.